A Few of my Projects

I've been working professionally as a front-end developer since 2012. Along the way, it's been quite the journey and I've worked on all sorts of websites and products, ranging from content-driven sites to data-driven applications. This has given me the chance to build solutions with several popular libraries and frameworks.

Here are just a few of my recent projects that I've contributed to over the last five years.

Career Choice

An internal product that allowed Amazon employees to pursue their career goals by applying for scholarships at academic institutions of their choice.


An ecommerce website for Shaw Floors that enabled customers to mix-and-match flooring styles to create a custom "tiled" look in their rooms.

Color Speaks

An app meant to be a digital representation of a physical "color wall" where each color has an object from the real world associated with it.

Shaw Floors

The redesigned Shaw Floors homepage with an interactive 3D scene meant to showcase flooring options for every occasion.


An app enabling users to quickly narrow down flooring products based on their preferences and then save a mood board and suggested products.


A digital agency's portfolio of case studies done for a wide array of clients including Coca-Cola, Home Depot, Georgia Power, Greystar, and many more.