Amazon Detail Page
While working at Amazon, I was a front-end engineer on an application called A+ Content Manager. The tool allows sellers and vendors to create rich content that best tells their product story and add personalized branding to their product detail pages on Amazon. The application has over 15,000 daily active users who publish content to 20 million products on each month. It's supported in 21 marketplaces around the world with multiple locales in each.
The app is used by companies like Sony, Fossil, Adidas, Microsoft, and Bose. To view the A+ content, click one of their products and scroll down to the "From the manufacturer" section of the page.
While working on this application, I wrote React JS with TypeScript, CSS-in-JS (Emotion), and used Redux for state management. I also used Redux-Saga as the middleware to perform API requests.
Most recently, I contributed to an internal feature that allows users to create A/B tests and determine content strategy.
Daily active users
Monthly products published
Marketplaces supported